
Scanner Base

A project log for Little Monster Scanner

In preparation for Halloween this year I want to make a scanner to find those "little monsters" for some animatronics fun.

agpcooperagp.cooper 01/09/2018 at 01:530 Comments

Mounting the Motor and Electronics

Here is the motor mount and electronics box:

The sensor cable needs to be replaced with something longer and more flexible and my box-bolts are not long enough.

Here is the inside:

I have used an off the self CNC board and I need to "bend" the stepper plug to fit inside the box. The CNC board is over-kill but it was sitting around unused.

One fault with these boards is that the shunts to control the micro stepping does not work. I added these 10k pull-ups to fix the problem:

I have ordered longer bolts for the box but some strong rubber-bands may suffice in the mean time. I have a new idea for holding these boxed together that I might try.


At the moment the idea for the scanner is to do a left and right pass (~2 seconds) and then to point at the LM for say 10 to 15 seconds, then repeat. This will require some optimisation for the best effect. Now the "head" that looks at the LM need not be the scanner! As there are two free stepper drivers I could have two heads looking at the LM. Extra spooky!

