

First ever affordable 5axis multi- fabricator that brings most advanced fabrication for design professionals.

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We’ve designed machine that combines multi- fabrication methods: 5axis milling being one of them. 5AXISMAKER is a machine versatile enough to fabricate most advanced design prototypes in readily available material while on your desktop right next to you.

5AXISMAKER is a multi fabricator, simply swap the tool head and it becomes a different type of machine. There is 5axis milling tool that brings you the power of the most common digital manufacturing process in the world. You could attach a 3d printing head and start printing objects in minutes, or use a touch probe to scan physical objects in to 3d models. These are all real world fabrication techniques so you can prototype fabrication process yourself, you can be in control of process affecting your design.

  • 1 × 5axis mill
  • 1 × 3d printing head
  • 1 × touchprobe
  • 1 × hot wire cutter
  • 1 × special mount for your custom tools

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