
Resource Monitor Makeover

A project log for Resource Monitor

Simple resource monitor using a HD44780 display and ATMega32u2 communicating to the computer with a RawHID protocol

the-big-oneThe Big One 04/19/2015 at 16:520 Comments

Over the weekend I made a new case for the resource monitor. I was getting bored of the plain MDF case; more importantly, I wanted to try out some new techniques for an upcoming enclosure for my power supply.

The new enclosure is made from Arariba wood with a brushed aluminum faceplate. The front of the enclosure slopes up at about a 10 or 15 degree angle, to aid in visibility.

The aluminum was some 1/8" extruded flat scrap that I had lying around. I cut out the hole for the display on my scroll saw (after trying a few other methods which did not work very well at all). I am not sure if using a scroll saw is the best for this, but it seemed to work as long as I kept the blade speed fast and the feed rate slow.

I gave it a brushed finish with my stationary belt sander.

The bottom panel lifts off for easy access to the guts.

Here it is in action.
