
Cumulus Wireless Sensor Platform

The wireless customizable low-cost home automation solution

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The Cumulus is an exciting new project. It will make your home a smart home. You place one receiver in your home which receives all information from wireless, low power sensors.

So you can always check things like the temperature of your room, temperature of your fridge, see if your washing machine is done, if the light is still on, turn your lights on and off and a lot more - it's a question of your imagination!

The Base Station is where all information comes together. It's an addon board for the RaspberryPi, which attaches to the Extension Connector. It contains a Nordic nRF24xxx 2.4GHz low-power transceiver.

The Sensor Node is a expandable, multiple purpose sensor board, which contains an AVR ATMega328P (Arduino uses this too!) low-power micro controller and a nRF24xxx 2.4GHz low power wireless transceiver.

It provides I2C and GPIOs to attach sensors like Alarm Sensors, Moisture Sensors, Temperature sensors and many many more. The Node can be programmed using the Arduin

Initially the sensor nodes were using the RF24 and RF24Network only. The current version uses the ChibiOS Real-Time Operating System and the "Narcoleptic" library to put the ATMega328P into deep-sleep when not transmitting and to allow multi-tasking.

  • 1 × ATMega328P-QFP For Sensor Nodes
  • 3 × Resistor 220 Ohm For Sensor Nodes
  • 1 × Resistor 10k For Sensor Nodes
  • 1 × 2x4 Pin Header For Sensor Nodes
  • 1 × 2x6 Pin Header For Sensor Nodes

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  • 1
    Step 1

    Solder a 2x4 Female Pin Header to the spot right next to the micro controller.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Solder the 2x3 Female Pin Header to JP3

  • 3
    Step 3

    Attach USB to Serial adaptor to JP1 and start up Arduino IDE

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