
Important IV-12 specifications

A project log for Ancient VFD clock

An attempt to sewing together a uC, four really old russian IV-12 VFDs and quite possibly a DCF radio synced hacked clock.

emil-jEmil J 11/22/2014 at 23:280 Comments

EDIT: I didn't know shit about vacuum tubes when I wrote this. The cathode is basicall both pins 2 and 3, but between 2 and 3 there's the filament heater. Basically, you gotta ground one of the pins and put 1.5V on the other. EZ! Also I'll be using a PWM controlled boost converter to be able to control the segment voltage.

I translated this (link to datasheet in links section) from russian into english using some online azbuka to alphabet converter and google translate. Here's the important stuff I gathered:


1 anode e

2 cathode

3 cathode, wire layer inner surface of the container (difference from 2 being...?)

4 net/mask

5 anode d

6 anode c

7 anode b

8 anode a

9 anode g

10 anode f


filament voltage 1.5V

segment anode to net voltage 25 V


filament current 90mA-110mA, typ. 100mA

net current N/A-17mA, typ. 12mA

aaand the rest are candelas/metres squared and I can't be arsed to translate that as well
