Atltvhead Is built from an 1960's RCA Victor Portable Television. I picked it up a little north of Atlanta, Georgia. I thought about trying to refurbish the television guts, which were not working, but ended up with this instead.
As the name implies, you can wear it on your head and see out of it. I walk around the city as a performance art piece, giving away stickers, streaming on Twitch, and interacting with other locals. I like to spread smiles and genuine positive experience. I do not approach people who do not engage with me first. So if you are in Atlanta and see me, say hey!
The build is currently on it's third iteration taking advantage of the ESP 8266 wifi capabilities, my cellphones hotspot mode, Twitch's IRC interface, and FastLED's library.
You can control the Tvhead while I walk! The tvhead has a function twitch chat bot residing within it. The bot gives people virtual hugs, words of positivity, will take submissions for community goals, and controls aspects of tvheads screen. See below for chat commands and what parts of the screen change.
This make's Atltvhead one of the first public performance art pieces, centered around wearable technology, that connects the global scale of internet chat to the local people walking in the city of Atlanta.
Tvhead's 2nd build iteration is below.
Playing some tunes while some chat plays my face! Skip to around 1:40 to see how people manipulate and drastically change the face!
In the 6th video at first I thought you were on a skateboard then I noticed you were on roller blades.