
RE|| Arduino Uno 3 || LED 111 year

Our, title not understand, because our project it's simple and not expensive, that's is mean we will use our mind

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{In the name of God the Merciful}
In the old, when binary fuses appeared, they were known to only transform electrical energy into visionary energy, and a theory was developed about whether a diode could capture light and convert it into data ?. In this simple project, which was based on algorithms to study the type of light, this theory was achieved from this project. Which was recorded on the archives of Oxford University of America.


A Light emitting diode (LED) is essentially a pn junction diode. When carriers are
injected across a forward-biased junction, it emits incoherent light. Most of the
commercial LEDs are realized using a highly doped n and a p Junction.

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// our source code

ino - 2.03 kB - 01/18/2018 at 02:20


  • 1 × Adrduino Uno3

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