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A project log for Pavapro - portable AVR programmer

Pavapro is tiny programmer you can bring anywhere. You can load binary file into it and bring/use it as you wish. And a bit more than that.

jaromirsukubajaromir.sukuba 01/18/2015 at 21:262 Comments

Though Pavapro in its current form will not be not much developed, I strongly think of Pavapro 2. I looked into documentation and searched for FLASH programming of various MCU's. What I found it would be doable for:

In fact, the programmer part of pavapro wasn't the hardest one. The task would be further simplified by borrowing code from my previous projects: the 8-bit PIC from #1757. PP04 - Camel computer and AT89 from PIC89PROG

I'm a bit reluctant about JTAG. I feel like it's not going to be rocket science, but anyway, implementing JTAG would allow interesting games, like

As a result of my love affair of 68HC08 MCUs (before Freescale obsoleted them in short time - lesson learned: never use any MCU from Freescale again) I'm probably going to implement them too. So,

More device support is possible, but not in first plan for now

Above that all, Implementing not only programming from SD card, but also receiving the programming file from serial line (or USB) would allow to use pavapro2 as quite universal device programmer. Just send hex file into serial port from whatever with serial port (your PC, raspberry, phone, type it into ASR33...) and wait a moment.

What I would definitely change is MCU in pavapro2. Honestly, AVRs are not that convenient to program as I'm used to (PIC, ARM). No debug support in Linux (AtmelStudio based on windows-only Visual Studio, what a cruel joke in year 2015) and various little, but painful nuisances like "pgmspace.h" or annoying fuses (No RSTDISBL, no fun!), sometimes rendering your MCU into OTP part and your device into brick.

In fact, not much of horsepower is required here - ATmega328 was sufficient, in this field. However lack of RAM and FLASH was showstopper for my development. 32k of FLASH was too small, 64kB would be better and 128kB or more is king size. 2kB of RAM was compromise, some 8kB would be nice, but I feel like 32kB or more would be great. I'm not sure whether I'm going to use PIC32 (my favourite PIC32MX795F512H or even new PIC32MZ with half a meg of RAM) or ARM MCU (venerable LPC1769, maybe something newer, like LPC11U68).

Anyway, I want to keep the hardware not more complicated than it is now. I don't want to grow it into huge behemoth.

I'm going to let this idea to mature and see how it turns out.


PointyOintment wrote 01/20/2015 at 09:55 point

You might find this somewhat helpful for JTAG: I don't know; I have no JTAG experience

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jaromir.sukuba wrote 01/20/2015 at 13:34 point

Oh, awesome! I swear I've seen this project before (as all other great project from sprite_tm) but I forgot it. I peeked at the sources and it seems to be useful.

Thank for pointing out this project.

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