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A project log for L-Star: Software-Defined 6502 Computer

Replicate an Apple-1. Or an OSI Challenger. Or something else. Design your own 6502 computer by programming it.

jac-goudsmitJac Goudsmit 05/26/2017 at 06:383 Comments

Got parts, got PCB's, getting Prop Plugs in a day or two.

That means L-Star is back in stock!

Order here: (or click on the Tindie link on the project page).


Dave's Dev Lab wrote 05/26/2017 at 22:15 point

ahh dandy! thanks for the info! i've just spent the last week getting a KIM-1 up and running, so i was just curious if you had plans... too bad briel isn't taking orders....

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Dave's Dev Lab wrote 05/26/2017 at 16:16 point

i've really enjoyed having mine! has there been any talk of getting it setup with the KIM-1 monitor code?

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Jac Goudsmit wrote 05/26/2017 at 19:04 point

've been wanting to design an expansion board with six 7-segment displays and a keyboard to emulate the KIM-1 and the Elektor Junior, but I'm trying to force myself to generate some documentation first.

Meanwhile, you might want to take a look at my KimStar project: that's basically a Propeller plugged into the MicroKim bus, and emulating an Apple-1 in Kim space, and/or a preloaded Kim-1 BASIC. I made it for the MicroKim but it should work with your KIM-1 too. I know, that's not exactly what you're asking, but anyway...

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