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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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Hi, the search box seems to be broken. There is a (featured) project called "Heavy Desktop Mill", but if I search for Heavy Desktop Mill (=exact name), it does not show up in the results.
I have a Color Organ Project on but when I search on "Color Organ" on the site my project does not show up. Is there any way I can get it to show up?
Search Engines can find it on so why can't find it on it's own site?;
I'm trying to change text color, but every time I save it my code is removed?
I've tried things like...
<td align="center" bgcolor="RED"><strong style="color:BLACK">Red</strong></td>
<font style"color:BLACK">Red</font>
but it keeps getting removed. Frustrating!!!
How do I change text color?
The editor does not allow full HTML editing, usually anything in the top bar is available. Private message me and I might have some options I can give you.
Hello, for some reason I can't upload pics to my Hackaday project. It always states: Sorry, image size should be less than 5MB and we only accept JPG/PNG/TIF formats'. I tried JPG,PNG and TIF, images are below 5MB
There could have been a temporary issue at the time, give it another try, otherwise send me a private message and I can check on the project.
Since a few days the feature ‘most likes’ in the project list seems to be broken. No matter what I choose (most likes last week, month, year, all time), the same projects are always displayed. Is this just me? Bug?
Kudos for the feedback and taking care of it! It is now working again.
Are Featured and Trending Projects broken right now on the home page?
On Yeah looks like we might have blocked it in a recent update. Ill see what i can do this weekend but might be like until Monday
Is exporting a full project page to .md or just rendered pdf on the roadmap anywhere? I know saving html is an option too but it requires to at least expand every contracted section before doing that (too many logs, too many instructions etc.)
Similarly - will there be a project generation from .md file to quickly set things up?
Is the idea a static printable version of the project (not for the purpose of a backup) ?
I guess so. Export it into a one page thing with nice fonts and all the images, maybe video embeds too.
Obviously not as a live backup, but as a page of history i guess in a nice format, yeah.
Deleting this accound doesn't work with github authentication. After authenticating at the delete account page I get sent back to the homepage.
Sorry about that, you can use this page to get a password set
Recently I tried to post a new project but when I hit the Publish button it hung up for about 1 minute then came back with a 504 - Bad Gateway error. Since then I cannot edit, nor get rid of the project... it is clogging up my feed. I have since been able to start the project anew...
CH583M deep dive - I would very much like to delete this project - I have restarted it under a different name.
User bob-easyeda sent me spam messages inviting me to some sort of hardware event. It's the most current message in my messages list if you want to see it. I couldn't find an obvious way to report a user or a private message, so I'm letting you know about it here.
[this comment has been deleted]
Tell me you're a bot without telling me you're a bot.
Loving the site, but when I go to add / updated images to my gallery or add my first cover image I keep getting an error. Is there a specific resolution I need to set my png or jpgs to?
Try again and if its still not working message me @Richard Hogben
I don't seem to be able to find the right wing in the .stl files??
I have a specific problem. I've been daren here since the start and have that linked everywhere. I want to change my username to match a channel that I'm launching. This is a one-time thing.
I noticed that if you change project names you still get a redirect. This apparently doesn't work for actual user names. Can I get one anyway? I've sat on both names, probably against terms of service. Thank you.
If you detect all the posts in one particular language (it's obvious which one) and send them to the hold for approval (or more likely, nuke) pile, that would get rid of the majority of spam posts.
We have a change incoming that will be even better 🙂
Hi, cannot write any updates to my project, image uploading keeps showing "Access denied" error, and saving logs ended up bringing me to an error page, and everything that I have written was gone. Tried a couple of times and things still ended up not working. Project view is also not shown, and things have been very unstable recently. Do you have an estimate on when things are back to normal?
Mirroring Robin Dorst's comment a couple of days ago, I can't seem to search for my project and it didn't seem to pop up on the newest projects page as I was expecting it to. Just to add mine is a new account, been a reader for years but only just decided to start logging stuff now.
Great site otherwise!
Thanks for adding to this. It's not just the projects though it's my account and your account as well. When searching for "StabbyJack" or "Robin Dorst" there are no search results or only other projects and accounts.
it seems stopped working for me. Getting very few views if any at all, no likes, no page impressions. Uploaded a complete new project yesterday, but all counters are zero, and not getting to "Trending Projects" despite a lot of content and updates anylonger.... it seems some folks have figured out how to rig the scoring system, resulting in much less engagements for other serious projects.
My account has been shadowbanned. I can not find it in the search nor can I find any of my projects even when entering the whole title.
I have this slight feeling that the search is a subsystem and somebody forgot to feed it maybe. I can't find my #Skate SAO either with the search, but #LEDodecahedron works.
I'll look into why these projects are displaying in results. You are not shadow banned.
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Gmail has taken to flat-out blocking notification messages, putting them directly in spam, and making the links unclickable with no option to unlock them, nor undo their decision. It specifically says that "It contains a ... link that WAS USED to steal personal information." This is a regular-ol notification that I got a private message via .io, that if I go into my PM's via .io, it is in fact there...