
Just for fun

A project log for Psioπ

Resurrecting a Psion Series 5 PDA with modern innards

rasmusbRasmusB 02/18/2015 at 23:152 Comments

I couldn't help myself :) The keymap seems to be working now. If you are feeling brave, you can do the same with an Arduino Leonardo and a Psion keyboard.

Current progress lives in its own branch on GitHub:


Tim Sinaeve wrote 03/26/2015 at 21:23 point

I enjoyed reading about the progress you made doing this project. I'm passionate about PSION's too and it's great to see that I'm not alone ;) So far I have learnt a lot after reading how you managed to get the keyboard working through USB. I'm eager to read more when you will start with the display interface. 

One question: what is the reason you choose for the Leonardo and not a standard Arduino (clone)? You wrote it has some features that might be useful. Can you please tell me more about them?

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RasmusB wrote 03/27/2015 at 11:45 point

Thank you, nice to know that people find my progress interesting! :)

The display part has hit a bit of a snag - partly because the order I placed for the display was cancelled, but mostly because I have been swamped at work. I'm planning to revisit that soon, but first I'll finish up the USB keyboard part. I still have to build and flash my prototype circuit and write about it.

The extra features on the olimex board are mainly an integrated LiPo charger, a jumper to switch between 3v3 and 5v operation, and a few more buttons and LEDs. The USB keyboard project would work exactly as well on a Leonardo. :)

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