
Caption CERN Contest Week 19 Winner

A contest log for Caption CERN Contest

Caption CERN, win a prize!

adam-fabioAdam Fabio 06/18/2015 at 03:122 Comments

Week 19 is now in the record books, though we're sure we'll be getting "safety update" emails from HR about the incident for the next several weeks. Thanks to everyone who threw caution to the wind and submitted a caption! This definitely is some sort of medical or emergency room at CERN. We're still not quite clear as to why they need a full sized skeleton though. We have to wonder how many lab pranks that poor former-human has been part of.

The Funnies:

This week's winner is Will Frankian with the following quote:

Congrats Will! Enjoy your LightBlue Bean from The Hackaday Store!


Will F. wrote 06/19/2015 at 13:59 point

Thank you guys! How exactly do I claim the bean?

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Rollyn01 wrote 06/18/2015 at 06:47 point

Thanks for the honorable mention.

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