
Raspberry Pi Home Automation Monitor

Raspberry Pi rev B, 3,2" LCD-screen with 3 buttons. Boots to kweb-browser that opens web-site which monitors ESP8266 sensor nodes.

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Raspberry Pi rev B, 3,2" LCD-screen with 3 buttons. Boots to kweb-browser that opens web-site which monitors ESP8266 sensor nodes.

Raspberry Pi does:
- Host a web server with page that collects and displays data of the ESP8266 nodes.
- Shows that data on the web browser kiosk mode on the small LCD-display
- Runs root system on USB-pendrive (robust! compared to SD card), boot only is on SD-card.
- In short: hosts data of the nodes and displays it. Of course the same web page can be viewed in a web browser in the same LAN (unless port is opened to the World).

To work with stylus and 3 buttons in LCD-module should be enough. Plans are to hack more sensor like DS18B20 or DHT22 to Raspberry Pi itself. That may require long male header pins because LCD-module doesn't break any GPIO-pins out. So long header pins become available from the bottom side of the Rpi-board.

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Jantteri wrote 04/21/2016 at 08:13 point

Thanks for followers and interest! Now actually I have a house where I'm going to install temperature and moisture sensor nodes that I have actually made with DHT22 and ESP8266 modules. Simple and stupid. Have been thinking of taking OpenHAB into use for RasPi, but I'm still open for options.

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