
Door Handle and Lock

A project log for Big Old Bus RV Conversion

Living in a 1962 Wayne Bus while converting it!

conradConrad 03/02/2015 at 21:490 Comments

This weekend its cold and rainy, so instead of working on the windows, I decided to work on the door and added a lock using some scavenged garage door parts donated by my cousin who owns a garage door repair service. I just kinda made the handle and lock work with the box of junk parts, kinda a weird job considerng one door swings out and the other inwards and the large gap between the two. I also redid where the door attaches to the frame because the screws were all rusted out and the hinge was loose and attached some weather striping to help with the seal along the edges and a floor piece along the middle of the door for a seal. I still need to go buy a different type of bolt and maybe the locking mechanism, you can see where they are not a very good fit and one is not same type of bolt. Also the pad lock is going to be removed and rest of center seal added.

