
Video Transmission on the Relatively Cheap

"Relatively Cheap" meaning things I already own. I'm making this for UAV craft, and it could be optimized for cost easily.

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I recently built my own slightly modified version of the BlueSkyRC tricopter. It's awesome, with a few minor flaws that are definitely because I tried to fly it in the snow and the CC3D control board got wet. I'll fix that part later, but for now I would like to get some FPV action going, and GoPro cameras are expensive! Plus, the (not so) cheap cameras that are dedicated to FPV flying aren't very high quality, so if you want to record your flight and do FPV, you need two cameras. My solution is to build a GoPro-esque camera that can transmit video in real time back to a base station where it could be recorded.

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curtishays wrote 08/31/2015 at 20:19 point

A dedicated transmitter base with monopole is available for the Mobius at hobbyking for $34 USD.

720p, wide angle lens, 120 minute battery, 64g SD, and RFI Cu shield case available. 

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