
Cannabis Pricing Model

A tool for those who work with cannabis as a bulk agricultural commodity. A valuation model for marijuana. CC BY 4.0

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If you're selling or buying cannabis as a bulk agricultural commodity, there has to be a way to normalize prices for different lots of cannabis, each with different prices, weights, and levels of THC & CBD. The Cannabis Pricing Model is a tool that sets spot prices for THC and CBD.

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Stuart Pullen wrote 05/14/2023 at 09:21 point

Does this Cannabis pricing model work with all types of CBD products or for a certain kind? Please visit my site and advise if I should follow this model

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annapedalkova wrote 03/11/2023 at 15:10 point

We have many reviews of top strains and seed banks, look at high yield cannabis strains

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niksadon wrote 10/29/2021 at 12:24 point

Cannabis use increases every year. I personally only buy cannabis from a trusted supplier -

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