
Why the UGV?

A project log for Open Ground Penetrating Radar

Make the invisible visible for about $500.

glenn-powersGlenn Powers 04/29/2015 at 18:331 Comment

As I have struggled to fabricate my first unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), I've had to remind myself why I'm focusing on it first rather than the radio side of oGPR.

When I was young, my chore was to mow about 11 acres of grass every month during the summer on the family horse farm.

While sitting in the sun on our Yazoo mower, I dreamed of sitting inside the house in a Pole Position cabinet, remotely driving the mower.

Since GPR surveys will require more time per area and larger areas, I'm making that dream real and making the UGV first.


frankstripod wrote 05/01/2015 at 05:21 point

The UGV is perfect for this! I have wanted one of these for a long time, and imagine it like yours. (My chore: 5 acres and what felt like 10,000hrs of every summer of my youth.)

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