Similar to the Kindleberry Pi hacks that used a Kindle as a display for the Pi, I want to make a display for the Pi from the ever-ubiquitous ED060SC4 or similar. Here's the best work I have found on reverse engineering the protocols for the display:
I'm going use this display with a Raspberry Pi, a case, Xbox 360 chatpad, batteries, and solar panels to make a laptop that uses as little power as possible for the post-apocalyptic world.
Here's 2 crazy ideas, one is building a fully DIY e-ink reader with as OS and maybe rochchip IC, so it can dub as mp3 player too. The other is even more insane, if it is possible to program microcontroller IC with code+text files you wish to read, and have the whole thing powered by an antenna etched out PCB board and germanium diodes(and supercapacitor?). Will only work in cities, but worth considering, no?