

A project log for DerbyLink USB to RS232 over CAT5

USB to RS232 converter using RS422 over CAT5 as an intermediary. For my youngest son's Cub Scout pack to simplify Pinewood Derby wiring

tomcircuittomcircuit 02/04/2016 at 03:300 Comments

The DerbyLink system was put to the test last weekend - powering the Micro Wizard finish gate, converting RS-232 to RS-422, then RS-422 to USB, and simplifying the wiring down to a single lowly CAT5 cable. A complete success and nothing out of the ordinary to report during the pinewood derby of Cub Scout Pack 45 of Farmington, Michigan. I really like the whole PoE power setup, and I think I'll use it again in any projects that require cabling and power and perhaps not being convenient to an AC outlet.
