
Further hardware testing

A project log for FacilTempo - weather station

Saving the planet from global warming requires monitoring the weather, so having a weather station is the least we all can do to help

clovis-fritzenClovis Fritzen 04/17/2015 at 01:530 Comments

Hello guys, how are you doing today?

I have taken some time to test two of my board's features: DHT11 (temperature and humidity sensor) and SDcard slot.

I soldered the DHT11 straight to the PCB; the microSD card is in a Catalex Breakout board, connected to by PCB through a pin header.To "debug" these test I am using an Arduino UNO as ISP. This test has worked nicely, even saving DHT11 data to the microSD card.

Next step will be testing the BMP180 (pressure sensor) on my board; it will happen as soon as I receive this component from China by mail.
