
A leisurely blog

A project log for Improve the Haber process

See if ultrasonic cavitation can be used to fixate atmospheric Nitrogen less expensively than the Haber process.

peter-walshPeter Walsh 12/30/2015 at 03:462 Comments


The delete image formatting bug, described below, is preventing me from making blog entries.

I'll pick this up again once it's fixed. is pants

I have just now discovered that pressing the delete key removes image formatting (float left/right, resize) and size information - when the cursor is positioned anywhere within the post.

This means that if I discover a typo and want to correct it, pressing the delete key anywhere in the text will remove image formatting tags throughout the post.

I really wish HAD had implemented one of the various standards, instead of rolling their own system. It's really difficult to interleave text and images in a pleasing manner, and viewing text on a differently-sized monitor makes my careful formatting look like crap.

The DocuWiki standard, or the MarkDown standard, or even html tags have specific renderings that can be relied upon, and they could have imported an open-source rendering library for any of these standards and saved months of work, debugging, and bug response.

Still working on the project

I'm still working on the project. I haven't been idle, I just haven't been blogging about it. Also the holidays came and went (both of them), and I was still a little fried from the contest.

At this point, I'm 'kinda blocked by the image formatting bug described above.

I got this for Christmas. The diagram is the bond activation energy for the conversion of Nitrogen and Hydrogen into Ammonia. Ignore the huge images - keeps deleting the image size information.

Back of the envelope calculation



Alex Rich wrote 01/18/2016 at 18:20 point

peter don't let the trivial formatting issues hold you back, the default full width images are usually fine, nice mugs.  You're too busy doing real stuff to bother with crap like that!

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DeepSOIC wrote 12/30/2015 at 13:28 point

AFAIK hackaday is using Redactor (which, btw, is a Russian word, meaning Editor)
So they are not rolling their own.. maybe partially so.
But I also can't say I like it.

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