
Instant Traffic Collision Notifier

A device that detects traffic collisions and instantly communicates GPS and other details to predefined numbers including emergency services

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The aim of this project is to alert Emergency Services of a traffic accident as quickly as possible with accurate information. This would help Emergency Services locate a traffic accident as fast a possible.

The product consists of a small device, which is placed in the vehicle. The device contains a GSM module, GPS module and an accelerometer. Using the accelerometer, the device detects collisions and estimates it's severity. If a certain threshold is reached, communication with predefined numbers is initiated (through SMS). Data, such as Geo-position and severity of the impact are transmitted via SMS.

The product is aimed at the general public so cost effectiveness is a priority.

The Problem

Accidents happen all the time and around the globe.
Emergency services receive calls all the time of accidents (mostly not fatal), and rush to the scene.
The least we want is to delay the call or worse failing to give accurate information of the accident.
Some accidents are not discovered immediately if they happen in rural areas (40% of all accidents are rural), some are discovered minutes and hours after the accident.
In most serious accidents, 5 minutes could be a life or death situation.

Proposed Solution

In view of this fact, it is necessary that through technology we would reduce delays cause by human error, to a minimum.
The proposed solution requires no human intervention and will alert emergency services instantly following a crash.
Installation of the device is very easy. It only requires a 12v DC input from the Car and the case should be attached firmly using strong double sided tape, (I am currently proposing the underside of the driver's seat but this will be open for research and discussion). The case will be insulated with high impact foam from the inside to protect the components upon impact.
A battery will ensure that supply will not be disrupted in case of car power failure.
The device will keep track of the g-force felt by the car upon impact, and the GPS position. 2 accelerometers will be at work and their average is considered the true value. However if the difference between them is greater that 5g the largest value wins, hence reducing the possibility of a failure.
If the result is > 15g (this still to be determined and researched) the GSM module sends an SMS to multiple numbers (including the Emergency Service).

An SOS button will also be included in cases of other emergencies which do not involve crashes.

  • 2 × ADXL193 Accelerometer Comes with a breakout board ready to fit. This device can measure up to 250g
  • 1 × Arduino UNO
  • 1 × 9v rechargeable battery
  • 1 × SIM800L GSM/GPRS Module
  • 1 × SIM Card

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  • Testing GSM & GPS

    Klaus03/17/2015 at 18:24 0 comments

    Currently I am testing some pieces of hardware. I haven't used the GSM nor GPS modules before so I will be testing them and post the results in this log.

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jflaker wrote 01/02/2016 at 06:42 point

For emergency responders, you should gather some diagnostic info from the OBD.  

Vehicle speed at impact.
positive/negative airbag deployment. 
for newer cars, seating position sensors where applicable.  This would be good to estimate number of persons onboard (these sensors used for smart airbag systems for airbag control, delta-V from the airbag system (likely won't mean much, but if it can be converted into a usable format, it can be useful to know.

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Alex Rich wrote 03/21/2015 at 11:00 point

you should back the spark electron and play with that when it comes out.  If nothing else they have a reasonable data plan for like $2 a month, pay month to month.  Another idea, you could capture speed at time of accident using the ODB port (or a GPS)

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Klaus wrote 03/21/2015 at 18:42 point

thanks, I would really consider it. And many thanks for the idea. I will definitely be collecting this data, might as well send it in the sms as well for a detailed alert

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Scott wrote 03/18/2015 at 13:57 point

It already exists.

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Klaus wrote 03/18/2015 at 14:07 point

Oh thanks for pointing that out. However this project does not have any man in the middle, the device acts independently. Apart from that it is aimed to be way cheaper as it does not require a subscription. Also, I would like to point out that this device does not collect any data or sends any data unless there is a crash (or the SOS button is pressed).

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Klaus wrote 03/17/2015 at 21:25 point

I am considering a Trigger button to allow for manual activation. This will come handy in cases where no or little impact is registered for example: when a person becomes suddenly ill and is unable to drive. Also if the driver finds difficulty in driving for ex floods and other possible life threatening situations.

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Klaus wrote 03/17/2015 at 08:11 point

Hi and thanks for the interest, I am currently researching into hard foam, it will be placed on the inside of the case. This will reduce the impact on the components. This provides a challenge since I need to make sure the device will not heat up, and proper heat dissipation occurs. The case will most probably be made of aluminum as plastic is too fragile. It should also be placed in the least vulnerable place. I am assuming under the driver's seat will be relatively safe.

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nibbler wrote 03/17/2015 at 10:43 point

Perhaps the location of the box should follow that of other safety devices?

For example, in my car, the airbag control module is located at the bottom of the dash section containing the stereo.

While under the driver's seat may seem like a good plan, it would leave the unit vulnerable to being damaged in side impacts. (or by rear passengers' feet).

You could mount the unit in a single head unit slot, but there is no guarantee that one is available.

The raised driveshaft section between the rear seats might be a good option, provided that the casing is neither weak nor brittle, and that it somewhat aesthetically pleasing.

It would be worth surveying a few cars to see what the best mounting option may be. If you have a self-service auto wrecker in your area, you can usually find a few cars which have been in crashes, although the worst ones often don't make it to the wrecking yard.

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Klaus wrote 03/17/2015 at 17:37 point

Thanks for the tip. I will definitely ask if I could analyze some cars. In the mean time I am doing some research as I think I can find a lot of information in research papers about the subject

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zhanx wrote 03/17/2015 at 02:17 point

what is your plan for black box style hardening to prevent damage in an accident? 

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