I've been putting a lot of my effort into getting my CNC controller working. Cutting out the parts needed for this robot will be a lot easier with a CNC router so time spent getting the router working seems like a good investment. I made some additional progress on the router lately. I'm confident I can now control the steppers in a way to produce circular motion.
While the physical structure of this robot awaits parts to be produced by the CNC router, I've been acquiring various components I believe will be useful in a health maintenance robot. Besides the Bluetooth enabled blood pressure monitor, I also purchased one of Adafuit's Fonas. I also purchased a couple of Adafuit's Wifi modules.
I figure the Fona will be used to call family members in times of need. I won't go into detail now about what will constitute a "time of need," but I plan to have the robot able to interface with the Fona to send text messages during these times. I may also use the Fona as a sort of speaker phone to allow family members or health care providers to communicate directly with the person using this robot.
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