
Cutting Plastic And LMR Distraction

A project log for Health Maintenance Robot

A robot to remind and assist people with health maintenance tasks.

duane-degnDuane Degn 09/20/2015 at 05:110 Comments

Let's Make Robots (LMR) has new owners. The transition to new owners did not go very smoothly. I've received an apology for being blocked from the site so I've editing this log. (Edit: On 21 Sept., 2015 I ended my membership with LMR. They wanted me to remove the description of events I wrote in the Parallax Robotics Forum.)

This ruckus certainly isn't the only reason it's not likely I'll have a working prototype done by judging time on Monday on but all the drama associated with the change in ownership of LMR has been very distracting. I originally posted about this robot on LMR but I have since removed much of my content from LMR.

While trying to work around these distractions I cut plastic needed for the tread rotation mechanism.

As I mentioned in an earlier log, I'm using pieces of Teflon rod as bushings for the tread rotation mechanism.

The two Teflon disks on the right were some of my initial attempts. I found after the disks were cut, they would flip up between the saw and saw guard and bounce back and forth between blade and guard. I don't think it damaged the saw or the guard but the disks didn't come out from the experience unscathed.

I then started taping the end of the rod to the saw bed of the compound miter saw. Once cut the taped piece was held in place allowing the blade to safely spin to a stop without damaging the disk of plastic.

That's if for this update. I have a lot more cutting to do.
