
Is that a KIM-1 on your wrist?

A project log for KIM Uno: Simple KIM-1, Apple-1 & Cosmac Elf remake

A pocket-sized KIM-1/Apple-1/Cosmac Elf with added '6502 programmable calculator mode'. Parts cost is about $10.

oscarvOscarv 08/18/2020 at 07:211 Comment

Quarantaine silliness.

Because why not? This is the KIM Uno version for the TTGO T-Watch 2020, a very nice $28 package in the shape of a smartwatch that is really just an esp32 with lots of nice extras added. This version of the KIM Uno is just a quick hack, and really it's more the TTGO than my little hack that I recommend... but I'm tempted to develop it a bit more. Fun little platform!


Arduino Enigma wrote 08/19/2020 at 03:32 point

Nice, can you load the Enigma Z30 code in it?

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