So todays post is going to be shorter than yesterdays primarily because today I spent most of the day planning a Muribot workshop for my two girls. They are 7 and 8 and they had so much fun and so did I! I actually forgot to take a lot of pictures during the process. Both of them got to write a program out of the manual and Brina (8) wanted to make a video for you all showing you how easy it was for her to write the wall bouncer demo.

She can't really type, and needed the command reference with the commands we'd been using highlighted, but by the end of the night she was able to write that program all by herself, I remember doing that when I was a kid and it really brought a tear to my eye that she was not only living my experience but also using a platform that I never got a chance to use. She actually modified the turn radius to turn 180 rather than turning 30 degrees, I was so proud.

It didn't compile the first time, she had to debug it too but in the end she found her mistake and it compiled perfectly. Afterwards we programmed it into the robot and ran the program. Watching it bounce in the small box was so rewarding for the them. I can't wait to see the faces of other children enjoying the same experience.

Muribot has been completely designed to compete with university platforms, so as her confidence grows the platform will grow with her. Seeing a child program Muribot may not sound like much, but it proves that this platform can appeal to adults and kids alike.
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