So this is happening!!

Holy expletives! This is so awesome, I've always love their company and to see them get behind my project makes me incredibly happy! But WAIT! There's MOAR!
Muribot is going to be featured in the June edition of Microchip's MicroSolutions magazine!!!!
I'm so happy and humbled they support Muribot, I spent a lot of time choosing between Atmel (too similar to really justify the switch), and ARM (a sledge-hammer to crack a peanut) and Microchip to figure out which one would give me the capacities I needed. Microchip proved to me again that they're the real leaders with microprocessors because the PIC18F46J50 is a perfect fit.
So if you didn't already have enough of a reason before a Fortune 500 company got behind our project (And backed it!) now is the time! Come grab a slice of the robotics revolution, and you can receive your own Muribot to boot!
Today until 5pm, we're having a special offer. The first 5 people to pledge $50-99 and everybody that pledges $100 or more gets one of our currently unreleased PICxies!
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