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I saw at the last Chaos Congress in Hamburg a wonderful big RGB-LED Globe. I planed this already a long time ago, but still never did.
So i made a simpler Version of an LED Ball, which is easier to assemble and not so expensive.

Each side is formed as an pentagon. The outside has six Leds, the inside one.

The ball is made of 11 Sides. Each side has six LEDs outside, one inside. The botton side will have the microcontroller, wifi and one LED inside. The PCB will arrive soon. In the meanwhile i work on the software.

The controlling is really simple. Each LED PCB has on Data In and 4 Data Out. When assembling there is only need to solder one Data Out with the next Data In. In that way, all PCBs can be the same and the hole Ball is cheaper.

The Size is about 12cm.

  • 7 × WS2812B on each PCB

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zakqwy wrote 03/25/2015 at 12:28 point

Looks like a fun soldering project!

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