The big thing I want is for me to 'drive' and them to watch and then give me verbal feedback (or type in their password), without me having to drive an hour. :)
Some areas I need to investigate:
I need to look into security concerns with an open hole in the firewall for VNC, and the the security of VNC itself.
I'm excited about the idea that you can turn the HDMI on and off from the PI, which should make it such that I can trigger their TV to turn on and switch to the PI. I need to look into whether or not I can change it back. Mabye an IR transmitter or CEC.
I should also look into gathering feedback from the aging party through their remote using CEC. It may mitigate the need for a mouse or keyboard.
I need to look into camera as well.
Invariably, they're going to point at the screen. I have no idea how to deal with this yet...
Skype would have been useful here but as that is closed, and not available for Arm processors; maybe
The following setup could do the trick:
A Raspberry Pi hosted at the OAP home,
Asterisk on the Pi, + Voip
Ekiga for SIP telephony between two . According to Ekiga's page, They allow HD voice and HD video streaming.
Most ISPs don't provide your home with a static IP address unless you request and pay extra for it. Therefore, you'll need to setup a Dynamic DNS server (DDNS) in order for people
outside of your network to connect. A Lot of the newer routers (Asus for example) provide free DDNS services and all you need to do is set it up inside the router configuration page. If you don't have such a router, you can either use DynDNS (for a small fee) or No-IP (free)
Also internet may be an issue for those that cannot afford or need full access so a mobile dongle could be a way to go, and easily monitored.
The RB-Pi also allows SSH connections, so security is covered.
A Keyboard that allows kustom button creations would be useful such as an emergency one.