

A temp and humiditylogger, using a pro mini, oled-display and DHT22-sensor. Stores the data using round robin in EEPROM.

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This project has a few neat things: A simple way to connect a OLED display to an Pro mini and a method for storing logdata in EEPROM using round robin.

A few months ago a friend of mine had issues with his fridge. He asked me if I could build a datalogger that would give him proof that there where problems so that he could get it repaired.

I made him a breadboard version of a simple ds18b20 to SD-card logger and a few days later we had enough data in Excel to prove his point.

This however got me thinking, was this really the best option for a simple temperature logger. SD-cards draw lots of power and you had to

A few months goes by and I found this guy who had connected an SPI Oled display to an pro mini in a neat way. Well, I had plenty of pro minis but made an order for some SPI Oled displays.

Also, I had thought about if I could ditch the

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rd wrote 08/14/2015 at 15:25 point

It's done, just haven't had time to update the project with schematics and photos. Are you interested?

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garreth wrote 08/14/2015 at 00:19 point

How far has this project progressed? 

I have a very similar project using a SHT21 sensor, BMP085, and 16x2 Adafruit RGB LCD display with buttons, plus tiny RTC if I can get one to work. I'm using a moteino adruino uno clone that include and eeprom IC and RFM69/RFM12.

With the LCD I'm using, I can add custom characters for a graph display so the RRD eeprom code would be amazing.

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