
DIY Prosthetic Socket

Human Machine Interface (Arm)

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This is a DIY socket for a Prosthetic hand with sensor and batteries which can be adapted to various functions. This project was ideated due to the high priced prosthetics in the market and increase of access to 3D printing and open-source.

This project is designed to work as the part of a larger project Called Bionico and below are the links to them.

- Hackberry feedback system -
- Shiva Hands :
  • 1 × Thermoplastic This is a type of plastic which changes its flexibility with the temperature.
  • 1 × Velcro Straps These are straps to provide more comfort and adjustability to the prosthetic arm.
  • 1 × PCB Board To mount all the Electronics.
  • 1 × Solder Gun (Tool) To solder the circuit in place.
  • 1 × 3D Printed battery holder A 3D printed holder to mount the Battery pack.

View all 13 components

  • Soldering and Finishing - Circuit mounted (Day 3 -Morning)

    atharvshringaregt02/14/2018 at 04:44 0 comments

    Last night was hard work all the way, we worked long hours to finish soldering and mounting the circuit on the board. We also finished the fabrication of the battery holder. 

    We also attached the sensors to the circuit board.

    And 3D printed the Battery holder. (Files available for download)

  • Circuitry - Done ! (Day 2 - Evening)

    atharvshringaregt02/13/2018 at 14:46 0 comments

    We hadn't succeeded to complete the circuitry throughout the day so we had been researching and trying again and again.

    We asked for help everywhere.

    We discussed quite a lot of things and went over many principles.                                            And finally, we made a plan !

    Going through the decided plan was much easier and then we had a working circuit !                 Here is a video explaining it.

  • Form Fitting - Putting the Straps (Day 2 - Afternoon)

    atharvshringaregt02/13/2018 at 12:28 0 comments

    To continue on the path that we left yesterday, that is to improve the form-fitting of the prosthetic. After lunch we started working on this problem.

    We started by brainstorming some ideas for how to fix the problem.

    The use of straps was concluded from the discussion. We interviewed the end user on where the straps should be attached.

    We also had to refine and add to the existing prototype to implement the straps more efficiently.

    Then we finally had the straps attached to both the prototypes as required.

  • Circuitry - Starting with electronics (Day 2-Morning)

    atharvshringaregt02/13/2018 at 09:13 0 comments

    This Tuesday morning we had to start with the electronics required for the functioning of the Prosthetic hand. We started by looking at existing components.

    We started to make the circuitry as per the scheme A and scheme B documents. Every component was in working condition, so we started by making the smartphone charging  function and it worked.

    Although this was successful, we could not get the function of the circuit to be able to charge the batteries due to a voltage difference of the input (5 V) and the battery (3.7 V). 

    So currently we are still trying to figure out a solution to this problem via research and discussions.

  • Prototype 2 - For Mahen (Day 1-Evening)

    atharvshringaregt02/12/2018 at 14:22 0 comments

    After the successful first prototype for Nico, we started with our second prototype for Mahendera. This was a slightly different challenge as this time the length of the rib was slightly less than that of Nico. So we had to approach this one differently.

    1. We started by trying to acknowledge and observe the problem in hand.

    2. We had a brainstorming session to consider various ideas.

    3. Instead of wasting any further time, we then decided to try out the basic method first. So we started with measurements.

    4. Then we went through the cutting, heating and moulding the thermoplastic as with the first prototype.

    5. Even though the socket was form fitted but still the initial problem existed. So we had to add some supports.

    6. The second prototype was not as successful as the first one, though it leaves us with insights on solving this problem tomorrow.

    So for today, goodnight!

  • Prototype 1 - The First Arm (Day 1-Afternoon)

    atharvshringaregt02/12/2018 at 12:32 0 comments

    With the Ideation process done, we moved on to prototyping. The Thermoplastic Sheet was to be used to form the socket and join it to the already 3d Printed Wrist. 

    1. We started the process by taking the measurements.

     2. With the dimensions in hand the first template was in progress.

    3. After a hearty lunch, we started heating the thermoplastic.

    4. Then we had to quickly shape the mould until it was malleable.

    5. We attached the Socket to the already 3D printed wrist.

    6. And finally we had the first prototype in hand.

  • Realising Ideas (Day 1- Morning)

    atharvshringaregt02/12/2018 at 11:54 0 comments

    We start the process for designing a socket for a prosthetic arm by realising ideas on paper, these are some of the initial ideas that we took forward to prototyping. The step of defining the process of execution for the prototype is also something that we've started to do. Expect to see prototypes soon.

View all 7 project logs

  • 1
    Measure the dimensions of the arm.

    Measure the circumference of the arm at two points between which the prosthetic arm socket has to be attached. 

  • 2
    Cut the Thermoplastic Material.

    Mark and then cut the Thermoplastic material as per the earlier measured dimensions.

  • 3
    Heat the Thermoplastic Material.

    Use a heat gun to heat the sized Thermoplastic material until it is malleable enough to apply.

View all 11 instructions

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Jonathan Díaz wrote 07/27/2018 at 15:27 point

Great project!  we made a printed version in 3d, maybe you find it useful as an alternative, you can see it in: 

Congratulations and keep moving forward!

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