I signed up for the arts festival which is held next month, which is quite exciting. I have never done anything like that, and even never been to one. And there is a lot of stuff to do.
I'm designing a nice stand with rotating platform for the cube. The design for the stand is almost ready, I only have to work out some details. And with a bit of luck I can use the machines in the wood workshop in the building where I work, but they are very busy. I already asked but I'm still waiting for a decision.
I have a basic plan for the mechanics but it needs some work. I was thinking about making my own pulleys for a timing belt, but I decided to use gears instead. I ordered gears for a 1,28:1 (32/25) and a 3:1 (42/13) ratio, which should make it easier to take a 200 step/revolution stepper motor and add it to the sequencer for light effects/patterns. (the sequencer uses 256 intervals per step and with the ratios I can make nice turns with 2^n steps).
I received the slip rings I ordered on ebay. I need one to transfer power to the rotating cube. So I need to work out my design for a hollow axle which fits my slip ring and gear and is supported by bearings.
I have a few stepper controllers, The reprap electronics V1.x L297+L298 combo, some v2.x A3982 ones and some a4983 stepsticks too. Haven't figured out yet which is easiest to use, have to check when I decide which motor I use.
And I also need to find some sort of partytent to darken an area, because the festival is held in day-time, and the cube's optical effect doesn't work in bright light.
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