
Hololens Headband Repair Kit

Hold your broken Hololens headband together if you were unfortunate enough to break it.

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Are you the guy who destroys $3500 pieces of hardware with only a foggy hope of replacing it at a reasonable cost? Well, welcome to my world, friend! Allow me to weave you a tale of fortune...

Unfortunately, while doing development with the Hololens I pulled the headband out and it snapped.
Fortunately, it was the inner band, with no electronics to speak of and should have been an easy replacement.
Unfortunately, a search online and through the support forums indicated that replacing it is either impossible, or would cost $4000! Yes, more expensive than a new Hololens.
Fortunately, we also have access to a 3D printer! So I designed a bracket to help hold it together. So far the bracket is holding together nicely--which is great, because if this didn't work I would just be "The Guy Who Broke the Hololens." Whew--reputation moderately intact!

I made two methods that could work to repair your Hololens. The Notch Method and the Pin Method.

  • The Notch Method involves cutting triangular notches into the side of the strap. Printed teeth are then used to hold the strap in place.
  • The Pin Method involves drilling or punching a hole through the strap. A printed pin will hold the strap in place.

You must decide which works for you, or which tools you have on hand to appropriately finish the job.

Hololens Repair Notch Cutter.stl

Print this piece to use as a guide to cut notches into the strap

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 12.19 kB - 02/13/2018 at 19:49


Hololens Repair A with Notch.stl

Notch method, outside bracket (away from wearer's head)

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 81.53 kB - 02/13/2018 at 19:49


Hololens Repair A with Pin.stl

Pin method, outside bracket (away from wearer's head)

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 88.17 kB - 02/13/2018 at 19:49


Hololens Repair Hole Punch Guide.stl

Print this piece to use as a guide to drill or punch a hole into the strap

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 19.61 kB - 02/13/2018 at 19:49


Hololens Repair B with Notch.stl

Notch method, inside bracket (next to wearer's head)

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 58.68 kB - 02/13/2018 at 19:49


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View project log

  • 1
    Select method of repair: Notch Method or Pin Method

    If you wish to repair the band by cutting notches in the side, print the Notch Cutter. If you would rather drill a hole through the band through which you would insert a pin, print the Hole Punch Guide.

  • 2
    Cut or drill your broken band

    Slide the band into the guide and cut or drill. The photo below shows the notch method so the band must be cut.

  • 3
    Print Bracket to match Repair Method

    Print with at least 100% infill for maximum sturdiness. Supports may be required for some printers.

View all 4 instructions

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