
Power Problem

A project log for Eye Controlled Wheelchair!

Open source system to drive powerchairs by eye movement alone - allowing independent mobility when use of a person's hands isn't an option.

patrick-joycePatrick Joyce 04/22/2016 at 09:210 Comments


Good news and bad news, bad first. The 'powerbee executive' power pack component, that provides power to the servos, is no longer available. Most other usb powerbanks have internal circuitry that turns them off when power demand drops. Unfortunately they don't switch back on when power demand resumes. Eyedrivomatic, inconveniently, only requires power sporadically. We are currently looking for a solution, and will post updates here soon.
Good news now. The all singing, all dancing, stand alone pc application that we're writing, is nearly finished! (many thanks to our genius coder – Cody Barnes).
More news soon....
