
HaD image-host

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just a place to host some images...

Never imagined this to be skull-worthy, so I guess I'd better explain:

I can't take credit for this idea...

@Hacker404's #Full Size Image Gallery and corresponding Thumbnails Gallery stumped me for quite some time, but I think @Hacker404's idea (if I understand it correctly) has basically been reimplemented here for my own purposes.

But, I won't explain what this idea is, here... it's a (really simple) riddle, or something, that you too could find useful.

It's all about the pictures!

(Looking back, this coulda easily been implemented in a "Page" just as easily, and wouldn't hog-up my project-space... but there's some good comments here, so I'm not gonna change it any time soon)


Here's a *really* simple Vacuum-Tube experiment! Only a tube, a meter, and 12V.

octet-stream - 3.73 MB - 04/03/2017 at 00:36


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davedarko wrote 01/06/2017 at 23:32 point

i'm just too lazy to find that comment I would have to reply to :D Time's running fast and I always wonder that it's friday again already ;) I'm happy that I followed that Idea, although I still have a LOT of software to write... is there an official birthday for this platform? Great stuff has been achieved from all around here!

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davedarko wrote 04/25/2015 at 13:12 point

skulled @Hacker404 s gallery, too - better?

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Eric Hertz wrote 05/19/2015 at 08:21 point


I thought of a better hack... put something like this in a "page" instead, so it doesn't fill up the projects section... Was gonna delete this, but there's so much commentary here, it'd be a shame!

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davedarko wrote 05/19/2015 at 08:58 point

you're right on both!

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davedarko wrote 04/25/2015 at 12:24 point

ahhhh, because you can't add pictures in comments? Nice hack!

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Eric Hertz wrote 04/25/2015 at 12:36 point

Hah, I wish I could take cred!

I saw someone had a "Thumbnails gallery" project, as I recall... I looked at that thing for who knows how long before figuring out it was nothing more than an image-host.

But maybe I can take a *little* cred for piecing that together, and... much later... piecing together that it could be used *here* ;)

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Eric Hertz wrote 04/25/2015 at 12:42 point

Hah! Skulled! Muchas Gracias, mi amigo!

Now I *have* to look-up/link that resource...

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Eric Hertz wrote 04/25/2015 at 12:56 point

...which inspires me, a little... or maybe it's the coffee kicking in...

"Nice hack!" re: getting-around-HaD's limitations... seems... like a really cool thing... hackers hacking their own hacking-site... I wonder how many hacks there are for things like this... Seems there should be a "Lists" page for 'em :)

E.G. Where'd I just read, recently, (was it the Blog? or the Omnibus?) that there's an "end of image" marker in .jpg files... meaning that, if I understand correctly, many people could be getting 'round the file-hosting deficiency by merely "cat"-ing whatever file they want hosted with a jpg...

Also, was contemplating some way to handle *very simple* scripts/games on a project-page... but I'm not too fluent with Java, and HTML5 even less-so... and would they work in the Details HTML block anyhow...? Contemplations...

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davedarko wrote 04/25/2015 at 13:11 point

Nice list idea! Those hackaday prize statistics pages that crawl all projects would fit in there, too. 

I'd love to make a site when the api is done, that reduces everything to the minimum - 2bit graphics and text. Always wanted a gameboy wifi cartridge, but that might be cool for cell phones, too.

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Eric Hertz wrote 04/25/2015 at 14:12 point

Good call on those statistics-pages!

I have to admit, website-APIs are a bit beyond my knowledge/understanding. Are you suggesting a HaD viewer of sorts that would be browseable on a gameboy screen? Inneresting... 

Some of the layout-stuff on here leaves me a bit perplexed at times... e.g. 80-column text-entry in a "code" field *usually* gets wrapped, unless I make my window-size *skinnier* which kinda defeats the purpose of having a wide-screen. I'm guessing your site-reducer would take care of that :)

Oh, and thanks for skulling "the other dude", I do feel better!

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davedarko wrote 04/25/2015 at 14:56 point

Yes, exactly :) It's like a child dream to do more with my old gameboy then just play - maybe use it as a remote for R2 or control TVs etc. or write code on it with a keyboard connected to the link port etc. ... that would be really cool, write code in basic on the game boy and run it - commodore C64 style. Ah well, not this year. 
It does look odd at some places, but designing stuff like the GUI of this page and fiddle with css is horrible, at least for me... so designing a retro/reduced/LOFI thing might be hard as well. 
That comment was meant as a reply :D

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Eric Hertz wrote 04/25/2015 at 15:11 point

Heh, I always thought a gameboy graphing-calculator "cartridge" would be pretty sweet, but it's nice to have all them buttons on a real calculator, so I never really pieced-together how the final product would work. Besides, they certainly wouldn't let a *gameboy* on a math-exam ;)

Also, a gameboy multimeter/'scope interface was on the back-burner, way back in the day...

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davedarko wrote 04/25/2015 at 15:19 point

oh yeah :)

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Eric Hertz wrote 01/06/2017 at 23:13 point

@davedarko, funny looking back at these comments, it would seem your gameboy cartridge idea is coming along nicely! If you don't get around to using the API, here, you could always load the hackaday-retro page and get some massive cred ;)

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davedarko wrote 07/23/2015 at 08:54 point

But did you push a button here to upload it? That's the whole point ;)

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davedarko wrote 07/23/2015 at 09:31 point

yay :) remember to update the project count number once in a while ;)

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Eric Hertz wrote 07/23/2015 at 10:17 point


But... no, I didn't know you could do images in comments... do you just <img src=> it?

...and, weird, no email regarding all these messages on my own project?

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[this comment has been deleted]

Eric Hertz wrote 07/23/2015 at 11:01 point

huh, got an email for this one... weird... "replied to your comment" shouldn't "commented on your project" be higher-priority? Better check my settings...

Heh, to be honest, I think I completely forgot I *have* a website, when I set this up... It's been kinda flakey as far as the online-editor goes, anyhow... this is actually easier. But, again, I think a "page" woulda been wiser.

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