
Hackaday API

Official API project

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Official API project

This REST API provides programmatic access to data from Read project data, user profiles, comments, pages, search and more using the API. The authorization to access the API is via the open standard for authorization OAuth. The responses are available in JSON.

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Alex Rich wrote 05/05/2015 at 03:45 point

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Ivan Lazarevic wrote 05/05/2015 at 06:34 point

look nice. good job!

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davedarko wrote 05/05/2015 at 22:14 point

@Alex Rich thanks to you and your project it was super easy to remake! Awesome stuff.

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Alex Rich wrote 05/05/2015 at 23:11 point

Great!  let me know if you improve anything, I might make a fancy skull counter that displays more about the project like #followers, etc.  Endless possibilities.

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davedarko wrote 05/06/2015 at 05:57 point

I'm still thinking about a project to get started with the esp8266 and something like a skull alert seems about right. So no webpage for now. Would be cool if they would extend the skull api to use it like the facebook like on other pages, like their blog.

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Alex Rich wrote 05/04/2015 at 17:13 point

Thanks for the reply to my question, that worked!  I was getting hung up on the OAuth / callback stuff because that was new to me, it wasn't initially clear that for public data I can skip those steps and just do a normal GET request using my API key.  The examples on the API site are great btw, thanks!  Will implement my little counter tonight.  It might be cool for you guys to eventually just post code snippets for brain-dead things like displaying your project's skull count on your external project website (next to a button that lets people skull the project).  For something like this that would ping the API every time a website is visited, you could recommend how to implement a simple cache that is only refreshed if a few minutes has passed.  Just some ideas floating through my head.

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