future improvements:
- add a charcoal-based filter, if it doesn't impede air flow too much
- soldering iron with .5" to 2" dia. ducting on handle... could be convenient
- use 12V fans, make portable
- A small vacuum cleaner would also work for the air removal. However, that might be deafening (man... some small shop vacs can really kill your hearing).
- make it compatible with flammable solvents by using a special non-sparking blower fan? It already shouldn't spark at all since it uses 60 Hz induction motors which have no moving contacts / brushes.
- add a screen to the window part so bugs won't fly up inside it when it's off
Love it Dylan! I ran a hacked fume extractor (collector in my case) for years. My lab doesn't have an exterior wall, so I just filter the exhaust through an activated charcoal membrane.