Ahhhhhh. Finally, Animanemone is all up and running in the Artisan's Asylum here in Somerville, MA.
Lack of documentation resulted in a lot more work that it needed to be.
i had to find a PC with a parallel port. (!) That was a lot harder then I wanted it to be.
I found an old Dell laptop here at work which has an LPT port on the docking station, so I'm up and running.
Now, onto a better platform than a PC to drive the seven serial shift register chains.
I'd like to use a Beaglebone Black and have a PRU drive an SPI peripheral, so i'll look into that.
This means I'll have to wire all seven chains into one GIANT serial shift register and I'm not sure how well that'll work out electrically.
I'll take some time and look at the fanout required and get another update sometime in the next month.
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