Quantity   Component name
1 × TMP36 temperature sensor Analog temperature sensor - see http://hackaday.io/project/580/log/1383 for details
1 × TEMT6000 Breakout board (Sparkfun BOB-08688) Ambient light sensor - see update http://hackaday.io/project/580/log/1401
1 × Sound Detector (Sparkfun SEN-12642) Sound detector - see http://hackaday.io/project/580/log/1402
1 × Sony PS3 Branded Active 3D Shutter Glasses How to interface to them: http://hackaday.io/project/580/log/1008
1 × Accelerometer Modern Devices MMA7361 - see http://hackaday.io/project/580/log/1362 for details
1 × Arduino UNO
1 × Galvanic Skin Response sensor AKA "Two Copper plates and a voltage divider" - see http://hackaday.io/project/580/log/1384
1 × Enclosure, etc I used a Solrbotics SAFE enclosure and a 4xAA cell power supply