
Power/Charging System Design Log 2

A project log for AluPi - Pocketable Game and Computer System

AluPi is a portable device designed for playing games and performing general computing which is straightforward to assemble.

stephen-mStephen M 05/21/2015 at 06:280 Comments

Hello everyone,

Yesterday I decided on the LTC4002ES8-4.2 as the battery charger IC. It has all of the features I was looking for in a charger IC:

As well, the main voltage regulator was chosen as the TPS61030. I was considering going with the TPS61032 which maxes out at 5V, but the TPS61030 (max 5.5V) allows me to set the voltage a bit above 5V to have a bit more ripple while staying above 5V. The voltage for the TPS61032 droops at higher currents as well. Based on the efficiency graph of the TPS61032 in the datasheet (no data for TPS61030), I'm expecting to get around 95% efficiency with the boost circuit while not powering external devices. I didn't spend too much time looking for other options: the regulator met my requirements and anything else would be for cost savings.

The current version of the schematic can be found on GitHub.


