
Pretty Pictures

A project log for PMC-35V - an Open-Source Mobile VHF Radio

An attempt at making a mobile radio that's hackable, moddable, and easy to build.

patrick-mcdonnellPatrick McDonnell 06/20/2015 at 03:240 Comments

Short update this time, as life has intervened and I haven't had too much time to work on the project.

This week I updated the user interface concepts to be a bit more "modern" utilizing some google material design concepts and some cleaner lines. I like it and it should feel right at home with the devices of today.

The Channel screen was updated to show more information as well as have better visibility on the rather small (2.2") screen.



Same deal with the frequency mode. Better visibility and cleaner, sleeker look.



That's it for this week! Stay tuned!
