
Circuits and assembly

A project log for LinoRobot : Robot Operating System

Linobot is an autonomous robot that moves around a floor space. Its build on top of the robot operating system.

kelster101757kelster101757 03/18/2018 at 20:210 Comments

Hit an issue with the "catkin_make" command on the Pi.   From reading forum post, we need to enable swap file for this to complete. Ran the commands "sudo apt-get install dphys-swapfile
cd ~/linorobot_ws

Catkin_make runs fine now. From the instuctions 1.4 we gave each the robot and the host development a static IP, that way every time we want to work on the robot we don't have to change the settings.   We're using the kinect so we skipped section 1.5.   We have wired up the section as can be seen the picture :

Our setup is 2 x 8650 batteries series  This gives us ample of voltage for the robot. We use 2 buckles to reduce the power for the various components.   The 2 chips in the center are the motor drivers and on the right hand side circuit is to charge the battery.     

We've now attached the rest of the components: the raspberry pi (the robot computer), the Teensey.   
