
Project Gracefully Terminated

A project log for Tern - Ternary Logic Circuits

A series of ternary logic gates and higher level components implemented in the real world.

mechanical-advantageMechanical Advantage 04/18/2019 at 06:340 Comments

I am officially ending this project and beginning a new one called the Ternary Computing Menagerie.

The purpose of this project was to educate myself while making proof of concept balanced ternary combinational and sequential logic gates. Mission accomplished! 

Furthermore, other projects running parallel to mine, such as the Homebrew Ternary Computer and Shared Silicon have also demonstrated proof of concept circuits at the board level and in silicon.

At this point I have shifted my attention to higher level applications of ternary logic and math to start filling in the gap of knowledge about how having three states will affect algorithms, tritwise operations, primitive data types, instruction set architectures, etc. The ternary computing menagerie is my collection point for all such research.

The Tern project will remain here for anyone interested. My recommendation is to read the logs in sequence.
