
It is working!

A project log for ATmega 16/32 breakout

ever had one or two pin too less on an Arduino Nano? This is one solution.

alexAlex 07/09/2015 at 15:553 Comments

So I soldered the first broad. And its is working fine. I used an old Atmega16L I had desoldered from some old stuff some time ago.

And the AVR is working with a 12 MHz crystal, although this is out of spec (8MHz max. for the "L" version). But I do not have a other lower value at hand.


davedarko wrote 07/22/2015 at 00:49 point

Isn't the L only a hint that it works with less than 5v and when the voltage is around 3.3v you have to use 8MHz but are fine to use up to 20 when powered by 5v?

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davedarko wrote 07/22/2015 at 00:55 point

seems to be an atmegaX8 thing... sry.

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Alex wrote 07/22/2015 at 11:42 point

mh I also looked a little bit on the web now:

Now I would say that the Atmege16L is only a Atmega16 tested with 2,7V-5,5V. So  a 16L powered with 4,5V-5,5V (like a normal 16) can handle up to 16MHz. The 8MHz limit should than only be relevant for sub 4,5V operation.
So your first comment was right.

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