i take zero credit for the code and design of this project! this is just my build of the original
The project was pretty simple after reading through (davish)'s write up of his. The first picture above is my rough attempt to set everything up and make sure it was all going to work properly.
The first version on my write had small metal necklace loops holding the two boards together to attempt to keep it thin. These loops are pretty weak and pulled apart pretty easy.
The last couple pictures are as it sits now with the small gauge wire used as "thread" throught out the through holes and the 385 mah battery black taped on.
It works very good overall and the watchband makes it fit nice and snug. The next version will have a smaller battery since this one robbed from a quadcopter gets about 22 hours of life!
Im considering making one of these... Can I get a parts list from you?