
WIFI Color Sensor

WIFI enabled board that gets color components Red, Green and Blue of any material placed closed to the sensor and returns the values via TCP

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WIFI enabled board that gets color components Red, Green and Blue of any material placed closed to the sensor and returns the values via TCP

The 8266CS01 is a wifi enabled board that recognizes color components Red, Green and Blue of any material placed closed to the sensor. The reading of the color components is done via a TCP request to the board and the percentage color component values are returned in a JSON string. The sequence for reading is done by sending the following strings via TCP on port 9999: acquire (wait 5 seconds for acquisition to complete) read

The return message is in JSON format as follows: {"RGB": [{ "Red:": "53", "Green": "23", "Blue:": "24"}]}

each number representing the percentage of that color.

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