
Improving position accuracy

A project log for GPS Receiver for Nikon D3100 Cameras

An inexpensive and more accurate GPS receiver accessory for Nikon D3100 (and compatible) cameras.

kevinKevin 07/07/2015 at 06:100 Comments

A few days ago I was thinking about the 2.5m accuracy of the GPS data when it occurred to me that I might be able to increase the accuracy of the position data. I can take advantage of the AVR micro-controller to calculate a moving average of the GPS position data. I will need to log a lot of GPS data when the receiver is in a fixed location, and also when it is being carried around by a person taking a walk, to get a true sense of how much the position information can vary and to establish limits when the location data can be averaged. If the camera is being used from a vehicle in motion it would not make sense to average the location data. The speed information in the GPS data can be used to determine when to stop averaging position data.
