The dipsy FPGA is intended to be used as an LED driver chip, but we can also use the LED pins (RGB0..2, IRLED and BARCODE) as user I/O. To do so, special driver IP needs to be used. Here's a simple verilog source to demonstrate this:
module top ( input pin_in, output pin_out ); wire mywire; SB_IO_OD #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b000001), .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0) ) pin_in_driver ( .PACKAGEPIN(pin_in), .DIN0(mywire) ); SB_IO_OD #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b011001), .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0) ) pin_out_driver ( .PACKAGEPIN(pin_out), .DOUT0(mywire) ); endmoduleThere an input (pin_in), an output (pin_out) and a wire that's just used as an internal signal. This is as simple as it gets, and when I first tried this I just wrote
assign pin_out = pin_in;But iCECube barfed at that, telling me that this couldn't be realized with LED driver pins. So I asked antti for advice and he pointed me at those SB_IO_OD things. They are described in the "iCE40 LED Driver Usage Guide". Let's have a closer look at the first one:
SB_IO_OD #( // IP name .PIN_TYPE(6'b000001), // configure as simple input, no output capabilities .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0) // don't know what that means exactly ) pin_in_driver ( // the instance name .PACKAGEPIN(pin_in), // the pin to use as input .DIN0(mywire) // where to put data from that pin );There are more ports to this IP which can be used to synchronize it to a clock, but we don't need that.
The output is very similar:
SB_IO_OD #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b011001), // configure as simple input pin .NEG_TRIGGER(1'b0) ) pin_out_driver ( .PACKAGEPIN(pin_out), // connect to output pin .DOUT0(mywire) // with data from this wire );I hope this helps those who try to use LED driver pins as simple I/O. I was able to apply a 1 Hz square wave on pin_in (RGB0), and drive an LED (with a current limiting resistor) on pin_out (RGB1).
This example is currently in my own dipsy fork (THP2015/examples/verilog/basics/01_inout/), but I've already created a pull request for antti.
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you are my savior! Thank you
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i didnt understand your code, can you write an IRLED driver for example ?
please !!
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What about a VHDL version of this tutorial ? :-)
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Well I'm only just learning to use FPGAs, and found verilog to be a bit easier to get used to. OTOH a VHDL version of *this* tutorial should be fairly easy to do, as the LED Driver Guide has VHDL examples.
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