
Well thats been a time....

A project log for reiREXcarnation

Unbricking and Fixing the IREXes DR1000S Ebook Reader. And on the way maybe learn more about this extinct Freak of Nature kinda Ebook.

horst-borstHorst Borst 11/01/2015 at 23:010 Comments

After some tinkering with the mechanics of a flexible testpin holder i put the idea aside and got back to

the device itself. The power and battery management are the first candidates id like to look at more closely.

I dumped the idea of the arduino as main "logic sniffer" and am about to build up a beaglelogic .

Since i dont have a cape i decided to build a proto cape with the TTL converters i have laying around.

Ill report back and update the project when i get the first i2c dumps of the DR1000S.
