
FE5680 variant power supply

A project log for GPS Disciplined xCXO

A DIY GPS disciplined 10 MHz reference clock

nick-sayerNick Sayer 02/28/2022 at 01:240 Comments

The AP63205 has fallen victim to the supply chain crisis and won't be available until 2023, apparently. 

It turns out that there is another option - the AP62200WU. It's not at all pin compatible and is an adjustable version, so you need a voltage divider to set the output voltage.

I tried a board out, but it didn't work straightaway. It turns out that you can't just tie the EN pin to Vin because the absolute maximum voltage is 6 volts on that pin. You're supposed to use it to do UVLO with a voltage divider. Fortunately, you can just leave it floating and it will be internally pulled up, which is fine. I also managed to connect the wrong PPS pin on the new GPS module. So this board will return to inventory once I get another order from OSHPark.
